Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kids Guitars

Your child for a while now has been begging you to get him or her a guitar. And you, being the great parent that you are, who cares so much about their child and wants their child to succeed, and who knows the great benefits children gain by learning to play a musical instrument (such as learning the concepts of reaching goals, practice, a boost in self-confidents, etc.), is willing to give your child their wish- A Musical Instrument.

Thinking of going in to any local retailer, picking up the first guitar you see and that's it? Well, in a short while you will notice that you probably should have spent a bit more time while shopping for that instrument. Your child will 'forget' about the guitar and it will just sit there collecting dust, and it's NOT your Child's fault!

The reason for this is that like most things in life, guitars come in many different shapes and sizes. There are big and small guitars, and guitars with various number of strings. There are acoustic guitars, electric guitars, and classic guitars. Buying for your child a guitar that is big in size will not do because the child will not be able to hold it properly. A guitar with numerous strings will be just too complicated for any beginner. An electric guitar is generally more complex than an acoustic guitar. These are all important details to look for when shopping for a guitar for your young ones, in order for them to truly succeed in reaching their goals and their musical ambitions.

As a music teacher, I can tell you from experience that the best way to go when getting your child a guitar, or even for yourself as a beginner, is getting an acoustic guitar with no more than eight strings. This type of guitar is the most simple and easiest to learn. The guitar should be the right size for the child as a big guitar will just be too much to handle and hold properly. It may seem obvious to you, but I can't tell you how many people make these simple mistakes.

The best method when shopping for a kids is to look for a guitar that is a REAL KIDS GUITAR, that is to say that the guitar is REAL and not just a toy (a child will NEVER be able to learn how to play guitar with a toy guitar!), but is uniquely designed with the young musician in mind, to fit their size and is simple to learn and use. If you would like more information, may I suggest to you, a website that is devoted to kids real musical instruments.

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